The culmination of the Cub Prix 2023 in Batu Kawan, Penang, marked the conclusion of a series...
Khairi Asyraf claimed his first CP125 victory, finishing fourth at Litar Batu Kawan, 4.762 seconds behind champion...
In a surprising move, Razlan Razali, the respected team principal of RNF MotoGP, has officially announced his...
In the 10th PETRONAS Malaysian Cub Prix round at Batu Kawan, teammates Khairi Asyraf and Shafiq Ezzariq...
Get ready for an exciting weekend at Stadium Batu Kawan as the PETRONAS Malaysian Cub Prix Championship...
11-year-old Malaysian racing sensation Qabil Irfan Azlan clinched the World MiniGP Series 2023 title in Valencia, Spain....
To boost electric motorcycle usage in Malaysia, MITI will announce the RM2,400 rebate scheme on December 8th....
11-year-old Malaysian speedster Qabil Irfan Azlan dominated the 160cc qualifying round at the FIM MiniGP World Championship...
Aveta Malaysia Sdn Bhd, the force behind Aveta motorcycles, just launched the Ranger Max Explorer, Malaysia’s first...
Get ready for the open road with the Triumph Speed 400. It’s a sleek blend of style,...