Easter graced upon us this week and everyone has their way of celebrating this glorious day. These bikers in particular, choose to celebrate it with style with the blessings of their bikes.
The group of 50 had organized a special service for the past 20 years in the local chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists’ Association.
CMA Vice President Marty Malone gave the sermon and noted bible-tinged stories. He brought up the events from the end of the War of 1812, Malone noted that shortly after the British occupied and set fire to much of Washington, D.C., a rare tornado suddenly came through, killing some of the invading troops.
“The point is, all of this was done with no help from us,” Malone said. “It was only through God’s power that we were saved as a nation, and that we are saved as a people.”
“So far, the lord is blessing us with some good weather,” Malone noted, squinting into the morning sun. Despite the sunny reprieve after a cold, snowy Saturday, few attendees opted to ride to the gathering, with morning temperatures lingering in the teens.
John “Roaddog Cheeph” Shields from the Roaddogs IRO motorcycle club in Billings made the trip alongside CMA Chaplain Don Osgood.
“Let him know You’re just a prayer away, and that You love him, and that you just want to see him have an awesome riding season,” Osgood said.
Shields is all set for a series of adventures riding through nine or 12 states. He also has plans for the Million Dollar Highway in the mountains of Colorado which has a 25-mile stretch of pavement with no guardrails to keep motorists from tumbling from the cliff-hugging road. Shields noted that he is ready for a healthy dose of “throttle therapy” with his new and improved Harley-Davidson.
“She’s got new rubber, new everything. She’s ready to rock and roll,” he said. “It’s all about the ride, man.”
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