The moment Sebastian Vittel realized he’s not so fast after all!
Imagine this: You, your superbike with race mods, a track opened just for you and some other riders that want to feel the adrenaline of riding as fast as they can. It all seems perfect and sometimes you feel you’re the fastest guy out there… until someone shows you you’re really not that fast!
Published on Youtube by user Sebastian Vittel – no, it’s not Sebastian Vettel, the Formula1 pilot – in the beginning of March, a video with the title “When you think you are fast….and then Valentino Rossi pass you like a boss!! WET and COLD track” is becoming viral in the last few hours.
Obviously adding the name of Valentino Rossi on a video helps to spike our interest, and this youtuber already has more than 500.000 views of this video of him riding his Aprilia RSV4 RF at the Magny Cours GP racetrack, and the number of views keeps on rising.
According to Sebastian Vittel, he’s passed by another rider, supposedly Rossi.
Even though he is going pretty fast considering the asphalt is wet and cold, another rider passes him on a braking point and it almost seems that Sebastian is going backwards!
The question is: is it really Valentino Rossi?
Looking at the video in normal speed, for a moment it does seem it’s Rossi with the leg opened as he usually does in MotoGP, but if you pause the video at the right moment, it’s clear that it isn’t Rossi.
But take a look at the video below a see for yourself, because whoever it is that passes Sebastian Vittel, it’s a really fast rider!
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