When things take a turn, some people make full use of the opportunity to explore the adventures...
So, you’ve just arrived at the front doors of the driving school. You pause for a moment...
THINGS TO BE VIGILANT ON YOUR DAILY COMMUTE Text by Wahid Ooi Abdullah, pictures credited to...
ROCKIN’ YOUR RIDE By Wahid Ooi Abdullah Songs and videos copyright of individual artists *NOTE: Please listen...
WHEEL CHATTER Don’t forget to remove that disc lock! By Wahid Ooi Abdullah There was a...
The Knee Down Technique Its purpose and uses By Wahid Ooi Abdullah Pictures credited to respective sources...
WHEEL CHATTER: The Reflections of Otai Biker (Part 4) Night of The White “Thingys” I had just...
RIDING SKILL SERIES: Target Fixation Hurts It’s funny how the human mind works. There are things...
Riding Skills Series Part 2 – Throttle Control Scenario 1: You’ve turned into the corner at what...
Being of Chinese descent, I’ve grew up being harangued by relatives for exposing myself to the dangers...
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