MForce Bike Holdings Sdn Bhd has assured the public that there will be no price increase for its models this year.

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While the country’s two-wheeler market is recording price increases, MForce Bike Holdings Sdn Bhd has assured that there will be no increase for all models under the company’s management this year.
The matter was presented by the General Manager of MForce Bike Holdings Sdn Bhd, Asri Ahmad during the launch of the WMoto SX2 300 at X Park Sendayan, recently.
Asri assured that the price increase will not happen for motorcycles from Benelli, WMoto, SYM, QJMotor and several other brands under the MForce umbrella, until the end of this year.

Several other motorcycle brands in Malaysia have started to see an increase in motorcycle prices since the beginning of the year.
The price increase was due to most producers not being able to absorb the increase in costs caused by the depreciation of the ringgit, rising transportation costs and the implementation of the minimum wage.
Meanwhile, according to a BH Online report, motorcycle prices will continue to rise over the next few months.
Malaysian Motorcycle and Scooter Distributors Association (MMSDA) deputy president Datuk Tan Tien Chye said the depreciation of the ringgit was the biggest factor in the increase in addition to the cost of raw materials which had increased by more than 30 per cent.
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