Small motorcycle firm Herald has unveiled its brand new Brute 500 concept at Motorcycle Live, which aims to be the firm’s first British-built motorcycle. coque iphone Based in Cambridgeshire, Herald produces a lot of classic, vintage-looking bikes with a remarkable performance. coque iphone xs max Herald have been importing retro-styled small-capacity motorcycles from China for almost 10 years and are now able to make the manufacture their own motorcycles independently. coque iphone 6
The new Brute 500 is designed, engineered and assembled in the UK, including its entire frame, exhaust, bodywork, seat and all of the machined components. It features an A2 licence-friendly 449cc single-cylinder four-stroke engine which is capable of producing an output of 42.9bhp. coque iphone 6 The engine is mated to a six-speed transmission with contemporary street-tracker styling. coque iphone en ligne The bike also comes along with adjustable front and rear suspension, with the rear shock using a unique floating linkage system. acheter coque iphone en ligne There is an Italian Domino switchgear and a Koso Taiwanese dashboard.
Small bike firm Herald unveils brand new Brute 500 concept
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