A shop has a lot of motorcycles for sale. With an online classified ad, you need to capture the attention of potential clients
You are a professional, you’ve got your own shop filled with great motorcycles and much more, but when you try to jump into the online business there’s a few things you need to know to achieve your goals.
At iMotorbike we do everything we can to make it easy for you to reach potential customers, after all, our simple process to publish an ad on our platform was created with the objective that you can do it without the need to read a gigantic and complicated set of rules.
This is our first tip on how to post a good motorcycle classified ad.
Good vs Bad photos
One thing that is mandatory is a photo of the motorcycle. So, you won’t escape the fact that you’ll need to become a photographer for a few minutes. The only thing worse than not having a photo showing the motorcycle, is posting bad photos!

Here’s a good example of a photo a seller needs to use. You see the whole bike, good resolution and against a clear background
One thing that is mandatory is a photo of the motorcycle. So, you won’t escape the fact that you’ll need to become a photographer for a few minutes. The only thing worse than not having a photo showing the motorcycle is posting bad photos!
You need to show to your potential client the motorcycle you are selling, and for that you need to post a photo of the whole motorcycle! If you only use a detailed photo of a specific section or part of the motorcycle, how do you expect the client to know how the motorcycle looks?

Here’s an example of a bad photo. The potential clients don’t see the whole bike, and it’s a low quality photo
Take a little of your time and put the bike away from any others you have on the shop, and the best idea is taking a photo of her against a blank background like a white wall.
What you shouldn’t do, is take a photo of the bike in the middle of all the other motorcycles in your shop, or against a background that makes it hard to see the shapes of the motorcycle.

Let’s imagine you want to sell the KTM RC8 R. Why would you use a photo that shows other models besides the one you’re selling on a specific classified ad? Get the other motorcycles out of the picture, and show only the motorcycle of the classified ad
Also, we often see classified ads with photos of the whole motorcycle and with a good background, but all that doesn’t work if the photo itself is of bad quality or resolution. Make sure you use photos with the best resolution as possible, so the client easily sees all the details.
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