Takahisa Fujinami, at 41 years of age, has claimed a stellar victory on the second day of...
The TrialGP World Championship begins this coming weekend in Italy. Toni Bou and Takahisa Fujinami are all...
With the year coming to an end and ready to greet the new one, GASGAS Factory Racing...
A frustrating weekend for Casales indeed as the Spaniard struggled to improve from the crashes he sustained....
The championship moves forward with round two set for Pobladura de las Regueras, Spain, next weekend, September...
Repsol Honda Team’s Toni Bou cashes in a 7/7 victory stance whereas Fujinami comes in third place...
Toni Bou has secured the World Championship title after winning the TrialGP in France. The rider is...